

composer require bhenk/msdata


See MysqlConnector

Persist your data

Creation of tables

Data types string, int, bool and float, when used in Entities will be converted to proper database types automatically. Caveat: String is converted to VARCHAR(255). If your strings are larger you’ll have to override the method AbstractDao::getCreateTableStatement and provide your own.

Simple Data Objects

msData is on purpose kept simple. There will be one table for each Data Object. Data Objects have only primitive types: string, int, bool and float. Extend Entity, create a constructor for all your Data Object fields, generate getters and setters and you’re basically done. The corresponding Data Access Object needs only implementing of two methods: AbstractDao::getDataObjectName and AbstractDao::getTableName.

Complexity in your business layer

Mixes of different entities is foreseen to take place in your business layer. For instance PersonWithAddress(es) is a mix of the Data Objects PersonDo and (one or more) AddressDo. Objects like Date, Time, DateTime etc. are represented in your Data Objects as strings, or other primitive types, though they may be represented in the database with appropriate types and queried as such, and in your business layer again as DateTimeImmutable(s) etc.


The Data Access Object AbstractJoinDao and Data Object Join can be used to express many-to-many relationships, based on a join-table with foreign keys. Below is a complete diagram covering database, data-layer and business-layer.

Many-to-many relationship over 3 layers

Business Objects (Bo’s) are created by their corresponding Store Object. Store Objects rely on their Data Access Object (Dao) to materialize the type of Bo. Bo’s have a dependency on their Relations Object which in turn has a dependency on the opposite Store Object, in order to materialize the opposite ends of the relation. Relations Objects may have lazy methods to fetch their (Join) Data Objects and related Bo’s, in order to keep database traffic at a minimum.

After a Store Object has persisted a Bo, it calls on the Relations Object to persist the relations.

A Relations Object may keep track of more than one type of relation, so Bo’s can have multiple relations to multiple other Bo-types. For each type of relation the Relations Object than has distinguished Dao’s and Do’s, backed by separate join tables.

Although there are no objections to complete symmetry, adding and removing of relations is often done from one side only, while the other side has readonly methods on their Relations Object. So for instance a Person can add and remove Addresses, while from the Address Object you can only obtain which Persons are living or working there.